If you no longer with to contribute to the scheme, you can apply for a payment of your full entitlement.
Pro-rata Payment
If you have accrued more than 84 Months of service (equivalent to 7 years) and are not intending to work in the community services sector within the next 12 months you will be eligible to claim a payment.
It is important to note that if you have not accrued more than 120 Months of service, you are claiming a pro-rata payment which will break your service for long service leave purposes. This means you will need to accrue a further 84 Months of service before you qualify for any further benefit from the scheme.
How much leave will be paid?
You will be entitled to the monetary equivalent of the weeks of leave that you have accrued at the time you ceased employment. To view how many weeks you are entitled to, please log into your Worker Portal.
How much will I be paid?
Your payment will be made up of two different components - the leave accrued as an employee and the leave accrued as a Working Director.
Component | Calculation of component | Will tax be withheld? |
The leave accrued as an employee | Your average weekly rate of pay over the last 3 years of service registered for you as an employee | Yes, in accordance with the Australian Taxation Office rules |
The leave accrued as a Working Director | Total of contributions paid and interest earned for the Months of service used in the payment Please note that interest is only payable if you have accrued more than 84 Months of service | Yes, both the contribution and interest amounts are taxable and will be displayed on the PAYG summary issued to you for inclusion in your tax return. |
How do I apply?
To make a claim, please log into your Worker Portal and complete the form online.
When will I be paid?
Your payment will be made as soon as practicable. Please allow at least 3 weeks for processing these requests.
Deceased Estates
If a worker passes away, the executor or administrator can claim the entitlement on behalf of the estate. In order for us to make payment, please complete the Application for Payment of Long Service Leave to a Deceased Estate form.
Director Refund
If you have accrued less than 84 Months of service and you no longer wish to contribute, you may withdraw from the scheme and receive a refund of the contributions paid into the Working Director scheme. You will only be refunded the contributions you have made as a Working Director, and will not receive payment for entitlements accrued as a worker or the interest that has accrued on your contributions.